To add a trail to Horse Trails of New England please e-mail us with the following information. Photo's and additional information are always welcome.
Location, please include city and state
Directions to the trail. Is it easily accessable?
Parking information. How many rigs can fit? Is there a parking or entrance fee? Is this location easily accessible for big rigs? Is there a certain location that horse trailers must park?
What is this location like? How is the footing? How is the terrain? Are there a lot of people, motorized vehicles etc? How are the bugs? Is there anything dangerous? How many miles or hours of riding can you get in? Are there a lot of obstacles?
Is there a trail map available?
Are the trail wide enough to drive a horse?
Are there restrooms available?
Is camping allowed? If so what is the fee? Do they take reservations? Are there bathroom facilities? Is there water available for the horses? Is there a certain place that you should put your manure?